Should beepers be banned?

Students are discussing "should beepers be banned?" or not in school recently. I think beepers should be banned. However, School is a learning place for students not a place for drugs and gangs. Parents won't want their children stay in a dangerous place, because they don't want the children get bad behaviors and hurts.

Beepers aren't necessary in schools. If you bring a beeper come to school, you family can call you easy when they are in an emergency. If in this condition, you family can call school's emergency's number. Teachers will tell students immediately about the call. If parents don't speak English. I think they can find somebody else has a call to school would be a better way. However, the beeper should interrupt other students and teacher during class when it beeps. For example, beeper beeps suddenly when the teacher is teaching concentrate on to stop a lesson. The teacher tells a student who has the beepers is beeping to close it. If the student doesn't listen to him, then he will get angry and call the dear office to punish the student. If so, it will have a disturbance in call school. So, I think students shouldn't allow bringing beepers to schools.

I believe beepers should be banned in schools. In this way, beepers wouldn't bother students learning in a quiet environment. I want schools can make a rule of banned beepers.